Friday, July 29, 2005

...If I could only have you near
To breathe a sigh or two...
I would be happy just to hold the hands I love
...And to be once again with you...
To be once again with you...

In memories...
The 12 left over roses

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

fat free - stress free

hahahaha... heran juga ya sejak kapan aku mulai tergila gila ama semua makanan yg fat free!!! sampe makanan bayi yg tasteless aja dibilang enak ^^ tapi enak beneran sih.. kayak sweet potato bites nya Licia... hMhMmm... 1kaleng plastik cuma 100kalori doank.. haha.. i feel good.. sinless.. haha
aha.. i know mungkin gara2 makanan fat free resulting in stress free kali yaa...
ada ada aja.. btw kmren baru beli springles yg fat free... alhasil makan kebanyakan hampir mo batuk.. untung nda keterusan... tapi hari ini ke rumah temen ada LaY's --> sama aja... mwahahahaha... maklummm... cewe gituuu...
it feels gut when u feel puas pas ngemil hahaha.. isn't it!?! ^-^ U roCK...

and So it is...
summer ini ambil kelas chem kayak orgiL dekil gokkIL... pengen teriakkk I HavE nOo LIFE huahuaha... tapi i suggest people to take it.. but work hard!!! daripada ambil semster biasa kayake ini isa lebih fokus sih soale nda ada kelas laen.. kcuali ambil yoga pagi2 hahaha... i've been trying hard to wake up at 7. it's working the first week but turned out to be "beep" maleSs bangettt.... =P

messy mind!!!
ive been wondering around banyak banget ni di pikirannn...
musti volunteer musti kerja musti ambil toefl SAT musti maen2 juga musti masak musti bersih2 rumah musti jual buku fuihh....
banyak banget yaaa...
aniwae take it EZ.. ada waktunya ndiri kok..
better sleep sleep sleep... zZZZzzZzZZz... ^(OO)^