Thursday, March 16, 2006

[what a today]

well.. well.. well..
i like today honestly... there are ups and downs... there are hopes and failures... very contrast... deliberately very 'mengiris' both my mind and my feeling... others might say 'cuman gitu aja la' or 'tenang, masi ada kesempatan laen' or 'iya emang gitu orangnya' or 'udahlah, lupain aja' or 'lets not talk about it' but for me its the opposite, for me smua bukan sekedar 'gitu aja', for me... I f e e l a l i v e t o d a y

11:40 - vid, gw abis contact Janette. gw, ketrima di Cornell, is it possible by any mean that we become roomate?
yes.. sure if they release me from the lease. n yeah finally they release me!!! i guess si Jen ama patti ama satu orang lagi yg aku ga tau namane udah gleng2 kepala hahaha... studio-1bedroom-2bedroom-studio-2bedroom. thats the scenario. aniwae Ill move to Casa Roma!!! its not Roma but its a comfy 'papan' i guess with garasi yg beratap... i wont gorok2 salju lagi taun depan kalo mo pegi ke mall! hahaha.. sorry salju, that I avoid U, I just dun like ur intense adhesiveness on my car...

13:50 - our policy is very strict. u came late so u missed the quiz. sorry, u are a good student. don't worry. btw, where are u going for spring break? CA? uuhh, thats great! warm! enjoy then.
hey gimme a break, i dun wan to loose any more points in this class, meeting with bacteria twice a week has made me sick, tho they're cute for a peek under microscope, it doesnt mean i want to marry U! John Song sejauh galaxy bimasakti lebi cakep, bener kata Mboki!!!) kenapa tadi coba bisa telatttt... why... i felt ive done so much for this Indescribable deeply rooted mbencekno puol2an ta kutuk pake minyak si nyong2 abrakadabra juambuuuu classs... but it's just never gut enough??? si nenek lampir juga pake basa basi lagi nanya mo ngapain spring break setelah membuat aku maraahhhh bery bery bery upset kuadrat quadruple... yang jelas ga dating ama bacteria nenek!! then, i felt the warm tears falling, blurring my kacamata... n i just went to the restroom to avoid Renato Orsi, my brazillian TA yang uda mbo-hwat kali with me..

14:40 - fortune cookies says; somebody far gives you good news (terbukti Mila telpon)
second fortune cookies says; vacation . . . . (lupa) . . . . (yang pasti I need my spring break n its coming soon! yeah beibeh... for my buddies in DVC - i a m c o m i n g ! denger gak? AKU DATENG!!! ga denger? AKUUUU DATEEENNGGGG SABTUUUU TENGAHHHH MALEEMMM!!!! tetep ga denger>> tolong pergi ke THT terdekat.. if u hav insurance, kalo ga ada ya.. too bad.. u didnt hear the gut news uahuhaua... am i sedeng?)

00:20 - we encourage u to apply next year's Summer Scholars Program
ya ya ya... fine... aku menerima dengan lapang dada... tapi ciyut kerelaan. then im going back to CA for summer school in Berkeley kayaknya - masi planning. but then its gut im going Pinole again... I miss Pinolian... I miss mami yuli and my baby sitter; olive oil and carbol'u... or maybe am i going summer mission? well... lets see hows my other back up plans going...

my energy, guts and the instinct of survival seems like disumat dan dihanguskan hari ini
kata orang jawa - setengah, mati... tapi yang bener setengah, hidup
karena orang mati ya mati,,,
but orang hidup punya imaji+empati atas orang mati,,,
im not talking about mortality... cause i dun want to be breathless,,,
i want to deliver accomplisments in my life before I end up my natality,,,

t o d a y . . . i w a n t t o e n d t o d a y . . .

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